3 years ago
5 changed files with 1146 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
/* DrewTechs
* Note Binder |
* @Version 1.0 |
*/ |
#include <QObject> |
#include <QWidget> |
#include <QList> |
#include <QVector> |
#include <QFile> |
#include <QIODevice> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include <QTextStream> |
class SectionGroup |
{ |
public: |
SectionGroup(); |
QString name; |
QString color; |
QString location; |
QString parentDir; |
QStringList files; |
QVector<SectionGroup*> sectionGroupArray; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ |
#include "settings.h" |
#include "ui_settings.h" |
Settings::Settings(QString newDefaultNotebookPath, QString newOpenedNotebookList, |
QString newGeneralSettingsConfigFile, QString newApplicationLauncherConfigFile, |
QList<ApplicationLaunchers*> newApplicationLaunchers, int tabPage, QWidget *parent) : |
QDialog(parent), |
ui(new Ui::Settings) |
{ |
setDefaultNotebookPath(newDefaultNotebookPath); |
setOpenNotebookList(newOpenedNotebookList); |
setGeneralSettingsConfigFile(newGeneralSettingsConfigFile); |
setApplicationLauncherConfigFile(newApplicationLauncherConfigFile); |
int launcher_idx = 0; |
for(launcher_idx = 0; launcher_idx < newApplicationLaunchers.size(); launcher_idx++) |
{ |
appendApplicationLauncher(newApplicationLaunchers.at(launcher_idx)); |
} |
ui->setupUi(this); |
init(); |
} |
Settings::~Settings() |
{ |
delete ui; |
} |
void Settings::init() |
{ |
// About Page
ui->versionLabel->setText("Version: " + getProgramVersion()); |
ui->authorLabel->setText("Author: " +getProgramAuthor()); |
QPixmap pixmap("../NoteBinder/NoteBinderLogo.png"); |
pixmap.scaled(300,225,Qt::KeepAspectRatio,Qt::FastTransformation); |
ui->ApplicationLogoLabel->setPixmap(pixmap); |
ui->ApplicationLogoLabel->adjustSize(); |
// General Settings
ui->settingsTabs->setCurrentIndex(settingsTabPage); |
ui->defaultNotebookPath_Field->setText(defaultNotebookPath); |
ui->generalSettingsConfig_Field->setText(generalSettingsConfigFile); |
ui->applicationLauncherConfig_Field->setText(applicationLauncherConfigFile); |
ui->notebookListConfig_Field->setText(openedNotebookList); |
helpList_DisplayItem(1); // Display First Page by default.
int launcher_idx = 0; |
for(launcher_idx = 0; launcher_idx < applicationLaunchers.size(); launcher_idx++) |
{ |
QTreeWidgetItem* launcherItem = new QTreeWidgetItem; |
launcherItem->setText(0, applicationLaunchers.at(launcher_idx)->getApplicationName()); |
int str_idx = 0; |
QString Extensions; |
QStringList ExtensionList = applicationLaunchers.at(launcher_idx)->getApplicationExtensions(); |
for(str_idx = 0; str_idx < ExtensionList.size(); str_idx++) |
{ |
if(str_idx == ExtensionList.size() - 1) |
{ |
Extensions += ExtensionList.at(str_idx); |
} else { |
Extensions += ExtensionList.at(str_idx) + ","; |
} |
} |
launcherItem->setText(1, Extensions); |
launcherItem->setText(2, applicationLaunchers.at(launcher_idx)->getApplicationLocation()); |
ui->applicationLauncherList->addTopLevelItem(launcherItem); |
} |
ui->helpItems->expandAll(); |
} |
void Settings::on_addApplication_Button_clicked() |
{ |
// Create New Application Launcher
AddApplicationLauncher* addAppLauncher = new AddApplicationLauncher(); |
if(!addAppLauncher->exec()) return; |
ApplicationLaunchers* newAppLauncher = addAppLauncher->getApplicationLauncher(); |
applicationLaunchers.append(newAppLauncher); |
QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); |
item->setText(0, newAppLauncher->getApplicationName()); |
int str_idx = 0; |
QString Extensions = ""; |
QStringList ExtensionList = newAppLauncher->getApplicationExtensions(); |
for(str_idx = 0; str_idx < ExtensionList.size(); str_idx++) |
{ |
if(str_idx == ExtensionList.size() - 1) |
{ |
Extensions += ExtensionList.at(str_idx); |
} else { |
Extensions += ExtensionList.at(str_idx) + ","; |
} |
} |
item->setText(1, Extensions); |
item->setText(2, newAppLauncher->getApplicationLocation()); |
ui->applicationLauncherList->insertTopLevelItem(ui->applicationLauncherList->topLevelItemCount(), item); |
} |
void Settings::on_editApplication_Button_clicked() |
{ |
// Edit Application Launcher on the List
QModelIndex index = ui->applicationLauncherList->currentIndex(); |
int idx = index.row(); |
if(idx >= 0) |
{ |
AddApplicationLauncher* addAppLauncher = new AddApplicationLauncher(applicationLaunchers.at(idx)); |
if(!addAppLauncher->exec()) return; |
applicationLaunchers.removeAt(idx); |
ApplicationLaunchers* newAppLauncher = addAppLauncher->getApplicationLauncher(); |
applicationLaunchers.insert(idx, newAppLauncher); |
QTreeWidgetItem* item = ui->applicationLauncherList->currentItem(); |
item->setText(0, newAppLauncher->getApplicationName()); |
int str_idx = 0; |
QString Extensions = ""; |
QStringList ExtensionList = newAppLauncher->getApplicationExtensions(); |
for(str_idx = 0; str_idx < ExtensionList.size(); str_idx++) |
{ |
if(str_idx == ExtensionList.size() - 1) |
{ |
Extensions += ExtensionList.at(str_idx); |
} else { |
Extensions += ExtensionList.at(str_idx) + ","; |
} |
} |
item->setText(1, Extensions); |
item->setText(2, newAppLauncher->getApplicationLocation()); |
} |
// idx will be at -1 if nothing is selected indicating out of bounds, to solve that the item has to be selected to open the launcher.
} |
void Settings::on_removeApplication_Button_clicked() |
{ |
// Remove Application Launcher from the List.
QModelIndex index = ui->applicationLauncherList->currentIndex(); |
int idx = index.row(); |
if(idx >= 0) |
{ |
QMessageBox messageBox; |
QFont fontSize; |
fontSize.setPointSize(12); |
QString s_txt = ui->applicationLauncherList->currentItem()->text(0); |
messageBox.setWindowTitle("Delete Application Launcher"); |
messageBox.setFont(fontSize); |
messageBox.setText("Are you sure you want to remove " + s_txt + " from the list?"); |
messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes); |
messageBox.addButton(QMessageBox::No); |
messageBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); |
if(messageBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) |
{ |
delete ui->applicationLauncherList->currentItem(); |
applicationLaunchers.removeAt(idx); |
} |
} |
} |
void Settings::on_selectDir_defaultNbPath_Button_clicked() |
{ |
QFileDialog dialog(this); |
dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly); |
dialog.setNameFilter(tr("Directory")); |
QString fileName = dialog.getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Open File"), QDir().homePath() + "/Documents", QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); // Open Dialog
if(fileName != "") |
{ |
ui->defaultNotebookPath_Field->setText(fileName); |
setDefaultNotebookPath(fileName); |
} |
} |
void Settings::on_selectDir_generalSettingConf_Button_clicked() |
{ |
QFileDialog dialog(this); |
dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); |
dialog.setNameFilter(tr("Config File")); |
QString fileName = dialog.getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), QDir().homePath() + "/.config/notebinder/", tr("Config File (*.conf)")); // Open Dialog
if(fileName != "") |
{ |
ui->generalSettingsConfig_Field->setText(fileName); |
setGeneralSettingsConfigFile(fileName); |
} |
} |
void Settings::on_selectDir_appLauncher_Button_clicked() |
{ |
QFileDialog dialog(this); |
dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); |
dialog.setNameFilter(tr("Config File")); |
QString fileName = dialog.getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), QDir().homePath() + "/.config/notebinder/", tr("Config File (*.conf)")); // Open Dialog
if(fileName != "") |
{ |
ui->applicationLauncherConfig_Field->setText(fileName); |
setApplicationLauncherConfigFile(fileName); |
} |
} |
void Settings::on_selectDir_nbListConfig_Button_clicked() |
{ |
QFileDialog dialog(this); |
dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); |
dialog.setNameFilter(tr("Config File")); |
QString fileName = dialog.getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), QDir().homePath() + "/.config/notebinder/", tr("Config File (*.conf)")); // Open Dialog
if(fileName != "") |
{ |
ui->notebookListConfig_Field->setText(fileName); |
setOpenNotebookList(fileName); |
} |
} |
void Settings::on_helpItems_itemSelectionChanged() |
{ |
QString itemSelected = ui->helpItems->currentItem()->text(0); |
ui->helpInformation->clear(); |
if(itemSelected == "1) Introduction") |
helpList_DisplayItem(1); |
else if(itemSelected == "1.1) What does Note Binder Application Do?") |
helpList_DisplayItem(2); |
else if(itemSelected == "1.2) Why use this Application?") |
helpList_DisplayItem(3); |
else if(itemSelected == "2) Notebook Management") |
helpList_DisplayItem(4); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.1) Notebook") |
helpList_DisplayItem(5); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.1.1) Create/Open Notebook") |
helpList_DisplayItem(6); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.1.2) Close/Remove Notebook") |
helpList_DisplayItem(7); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.2) Section") |
helpList_DisplayItem(8); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.2.1) Create/Open Sections") |
helpList_DisplayItem(9); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.2.2) Importing a Section to Notebook") |
helpList_DisplayItem(10); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.2.3) Export Section") |
helpList_DisplayItem(11); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.3) Section Group") |
helpList_DisplayItem(12); |
else if(itemSelected == "2.4) Unfiled Notes") |
helpList_DisplayItem(13); |
else if(itemSelected == "3) Application Settings") |
helpList_DisplayItem(14); |
else if(itemSelected == "3.1) Configuration Files") |
helpList_DisplayItem(15); |
else if(itemSelected == "3.2) Application Launchers") |
helpList_DisplayItem(16); |
else |
helpList_DisplayItem(1); |
} |
void Settings::helpList_DisplayItem(int pageSelected) |
{ |
QString helpPagesDir = "../NoteBinder/HelpText"; |
QString helpPageFile; |
switch(pageSelected) |
{ |
case 1: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page01"; |
break; |
case 2: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page02"; |
break; |
case 3: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page03"; |
break; |
case 4: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page04"; |
break; |
case 5: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page05"; |
break; |
case 6: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page06"; |
break; |
case 7: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page07"; |
break; |
case 8: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page08"; |
break; |
case 9: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page09"; |
break; |
case 10: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page10"; |
break; |
case 11: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page11"; |
break; |
case 12: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page12"; |
break; |
case 13: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page13"; |
break; |
case 14: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page14"; |
break; |
case 15: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page15"; |
break; |
case 16: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page16"; |
break; |
default: |
helpPageFile = helpPagesDir + QDir::separator() + "Page01"; |
break; |
} |
QFile file(helpPageFile); |
if(file.exists()) |
{ |
QString readData; |
if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)|QIODevice::Text) |
{ |
QTextStream in(&file); |
while(!in.atEnd()) |
{ |
readData = in.readAll(); |
} |
} |
ui->helpInformation->setPlainText(readData); |
} else { |
ui->helpInformation->setPlainText("Error: Help Page Information not available!"); |
} |
} |
void Settings::appendApplicationLauncher(ApplicationLaunchers* launcher) |
{ |
applicationLaunchers.append(launcher); |
} |
void Settings::removeApplicationLauncherAt(int idx) |
{ |
applicationLaunchers.removeAt(idx); |
} |
/* Setter Functions */ |
void Settings::setDefaultNotebookPath(QString newDefaultNotebookPath) |
{ |
defaultNotebookPath = newDefaultNotebookPath; |
} |
void Settings::setOpenNotebookList(QString newOpenedNotebookList) |
{ |
openedNotebookList = newOpenedNotebookList; |
} |
void Settings::setGeneralSettingsConfigFile(QString newGeneralSettingsConfigFile) |
{ |
generalSettingsConfigFile = newGeneralSettingsConfigFile; |
} |
void Settings::setApplicationLauncherConfigFile(QString newApplicationLauncherConfigFile) |
{ |
applicationLauncherConfigFile = newApplicationLauncherConfigFile; |
} |
void Settings::setSettingsTabPage(int newSettingsTab) |
{ |
settingsTabPage = newSettingsTab; |
ui->settingsTabs->setCurrentIndex(settingsTabPage); |
} |
void Settings::setProgramVersion(QString progVersion) |
{ |
programAuthor = progVersion; |
} |
void Settings::setProgramAuthor(QString progAuthor) |
{ |
programAuthor = progAuthor; |
} |
/* Getter Functions */ |
QString Settings::getDefaultNotebookPath() |
{ |
return defaultNotebookPath; |
} |
QString Settings::getOpenedNotebookList() |
{ |
return openedNotebookList; |
} |
QString Settings::getGeneralSettingsConfigFile() |
{ |
return generalSettingsConfigFile; |
} |
QString Settings::getApplicationLauncherConfigFile() |
{ |
return applicationLauncherConfigFile; |
} |
ApplicationLaunchers* Settings::getApplicationLauncherAt(int idx) |
{ |
return applicationLaunchers.at(idx); |
} |
int Settings::getSettingsTabPage() |
{ |
return settingsTabPage; |
} |
QString Settings::getProgramVersion() |
{ |
return programVersion; |
} |
QString Settings::getProgramAuthor() |
{ |
return programAuthor; |
} |
void Settings::on_dialogButtonBox_accepted() |
{ |
accept(); |
} |
void Settings::on_dialogButtonBox_rejected() |
{ |
reject(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
#ifndef SETTINGS_H |
#define SETTINGS_H |
#include <QDialog> |
#include <QTextStream> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include "applicationlaunchers.h" |
#include "addApplicationLauncher.h" |
#define APPLICATION_AUTHOR "DrewTechs" |
namespace Ui { |
class Settings; |
} |
class Settings : public QDialog |
{ |
public: |
//explicit Settings(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
Settings(QString newDefaultNotebookPath, QString newOpenedNotebookList, |
QString newGeneralSettingsConfigFile, QString newApplicationLauncherConfigFile, |
QList<ApplicationLaunchers*> newApplicationLaunchers, int tabPage, QWidget *parent = nullptr); |
~Settings(); |
void init(); |
/* Application Launcher Settings */ |
QList<ApplicationLaunchers*> applicationLaunchers; |
void appendApplicationLauncher(ApplicationLaunchers* launcher); |
void removeApplicationLauncherAt(int idx); |
/* Setter Functions */ |
void setDefaultNotebookPath(QString newDefaultNotebookPath); |
void setOpenNotebookList(QString newOpenedNotebookList); |
void setGeneralSettingsConfigFile(QString newGeneralSettingsConfigFile); |
void setApplicationLauncherConfigFile(QString newApplicationLauncherConfigFile); |
void setSettingsTabPage(int newSettingsTab); |
void setProgramVersion(QString progVersion); |
void setProgramAuthor(QString progAuthor); |
/* Getter Functions */ |
QString getDefaultNotebookPath(); |
QString getOpenedNotebookList(); |
QString getGeneralSettingsConfigFile(); |
QString getApplicationLauncherConfigFile(); |
ApplicationLaunchers* getApplicationLauncherAt(int idx); |
int getSettingsTabPage(); |
QString getProgramVersion(); |
QString getProgramAuthor(); |
private slots: |
void on_addApplication_Button_clicked(); |
void on_editApplication_Button_clicked(); |
void on_removeApplication_Button_clicked(); |
void on_selectDir_defaultNbPath_Button_clicked(); |
void on_selectDir_generalSettingConf_Button_clicked(); |
void on_selectDir_appLauncher_Button_clicked(); |
void on_selectDir_nbListConfig_Button_clicked(); |
void on_helpItems_itemSelectionChanged(); |
void helpList_DisplayItem(int pageSelected); |
void on_dialogButtonBox_accepted(); |
void on_dialogButtonBox_rejected(); |
private: |
Ui::Settings *ui; |
/* General Settings */ |
QString defaultNotebookPath = ""; // Default directory to save Notebooks in
QString openedNotebookList = ""; // List of Previously Opened Notebooks via the last instance.
QString generalSettingsConfigFile = ""; // General Settings Configuration File.
QString applicationLauncherConfigFile = ""; // Application Launcher Configuration.
int settingsTabPage = 0; |
QString programVersion = APPLICATION_VERSION; |
QString programAuthor = APPLICATION_AUTHOR; |
}; |
#endif // SETTINGS_H
@ -0,0 +1,628 @@ |
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</widget> |
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<string>Application Name</string> |
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<column> |
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<string>Extensions</string> |
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<column> |
<property name="text"> |
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</item> |
<item> |
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<property name="text"> |
<string>Edit Application</string> |
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</widget> |
</item> |
<item> |
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<property name="text"> |
<string>Remove Application</string> |
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<string>1.1) What does Note Binder Application Do?</string> |
</property> |
</item> |
<item> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>1.2) Why use this Application?</string> |
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</item> |
</item> |
<item> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>2) Notebook Management</string> |
</property> |
<item> |
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<item> |
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</item> |
<item> |
<property name="text"> |
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</item> |
<item> |
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<string>2.2.3) Export Section</string> |
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</item> |
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<item> |
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<item> |
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<string>2.4) Unfiled Notes</string> |
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</item> |
</item> |
<item> |
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</property> |
<item> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>3.1) Configuration Files</string> |
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</item> |
<item> |
<property name="text"> |
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
#include "unfilednotes.h" |
UnfiledNotes::UnfiledNotes() |
{ |
} |
Reference in new issue