The Note Binder is a Note Organizing Application with a built-in Application Launcher to compliment Note Taking applications.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2.3) Section Group
A Section Group is a directory within a Notebook. These are used to organize Sections into clusters. Section Groups are essentially subdirectories of Notebooks.
Unlike Notebooks, Section Groups can cascade, meaning a Section Group can contain a Section Group and a Notebook can contain a Section Group.
Much like Notebooks they also have a similar color scheme to choose from (the default color is "None/White").
Create Section Group:
To create a Section Group, click on the New Section Group button. Then in the dialog select which Notebook/Section Group will the new Section Group be stored in.
Then enter the name of the Section Group as well as the color of choice (though the color can be ignored). If the Section Group already exists then nothing changes, otherwise the new Section Group is created.
Remove Section Group:
To remove a Section Group, highlight the Section Group on the notebook list and click Delete Item. This will delete the item from the list and move the directory to the trash (not removing it permanantly). This will also delete any Section and Section Groups within the parent Section Group.
Section Group Properties:
To check a Section Group's properties, highlight the Section Group on the notebook list and click Item Properties. This will load up the properties of the Section Group. The Section Group name and color can be changed here.
Copy or Move Section:
To Copy a Section Group, highlight a Section Group and click the Copy Item button to open a dialog and enter where you want to copy the file and what to name the file. If the file already exists, a prompt will show asking if you want to replace the Section Group.
To Move a Section Group, highlight a Section Group and click the Move Item button to open a dialog and enter where you want to move the file and what to name the file. If the file already exists, a prompt will show asking if you want to replace the Section Group.