The Note Binder is a Note Organizing Application with a built-in Application Launcher to compliment Note Taking applications.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2.2.1) Create/Open Sections:
Open Section:
To open a Section highlight a Section on the Notebook List and click on Open Section button. Now if the Application Launcher does not support the file type then nothing happens but if it does support it, the application will open the file.
Create Section:
To create a new Section, highlight a section within the notebook list and then click on the New Section button and it brings up a dialogue to create a new Section/file. The first option is to select which Notebook or Section Group (see Section 2.3) to store the Section in.
After picking the Notebook/Section Group then enter the name of the file and select the file type (which depends on the Application Launchers). To save the section/file the user will have to save the file within the program or the file is never created thus never added to the notebook.
NOTE: Some applications do not support opening an application this way, to create a note for such application check Section 2.4
Section Properties:
To access the Section Properties, highlight a Section within the notebook list and then click on the Item Properties button.
Unlike Notebook the icons for the Sections currently cannot be changed through item properties but the filename can still be changed (not recommended to change file extension though).
Remove Section:
To remove Section highlight the section in the notebook list and then click "Delete Item" and it deletes the item by moving it to the computer's trash location (does not remove the file permanently).
Copy or Move Section:
To Copy a Section, highlight a Section and click the Copy Item button to open a dialog and enter where the user want to copy the file and what to name the file. If the file already exists, a prompt will show asking if you want to replace the Section.
To Move a Section, highlight a Section and click the Move Item button to open a dialog and enter where the user want to move the file and what to name the file. If the file already exists, a prompt will show asking if you want to replace the Section.