diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ef279f1..8049324 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
# Notebinder
-The Note Binder is a Note Organizing Application with a built-in Application Launcher to compliment Note Taking applications.
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+The Note Binder is a Note Organizing Application with a built-in Application Launcher to compliment Note Taking applications.
+This is currently at Version 1.0
+# Compiling the program:
+To compile the program, installing the required dependencies is essential. Installing qt5-base and qt5-default is recommended as well as setting up qmake. Also install build essentials such as make, gcc/g++ as well.
+Once dependencies are installed run qmake and a Makefile will be generated.
+Then run make -j N where N is the number of jobs runnning on the CPU (highest recommended number being the same number of CPU threads on the computer compiling the code).
+Once that is runned the application has been created (the binary file is NoteBinder).
+More information on this project can be found at https://drewtechs.net/projects/note-binder
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